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Resources and Advice

Helping you and your loved ones live well in later life

Resources and Advice

As we get older, we should be able to continue doing the things we love and living life the way we want to.

Our articles and guides are available to read online or delivered straight to your email inbox.

Recent articles

Remote monitoring solutions of elderly parents
September 1, 2021

Helping James monitor his Mum's health and wellbeing remotely

James lives 600 miles away from his elderly mum but uses an innovative solution to monitor her care and wellbeing.

Elderly couple using mobile phone
August 2, 2021

Choosing the best mobile phone for elderly people

Use our guide to help you choose the best mobile phone for your elderly loved ones.

Stages of dementia
July 23, 2021

Early stages of dementia – planning for the future

How to plan for the future when a loved one receives an early stages of dementia diagnosis.

Seniors enjoying the summer
July 12, 2021

6 tips for enjoying staying safe in the summer weather

Stay safe this summer with these easy to follow suggestions.

Choosing care for elderly
June 29, 2021

Questions to ask when choosing care

Choosing the right care solution for a loved one can be daunting. Here are a few questions to help you choose between the options.

Lifting an elderly person who has fallen
June 7, 2021

How to lift a fallen person

Around 50% of over 80s will fall at least once a year so knowing how to lift someone safely is important.

Royal British Legion cook book
May 17, 2021

Royal British Legion celebrates 100 years of supporting the Armed Forces community

The Royal British Legion are celebrating 100 years of supporting veterans and the Armed Forces and we're sponsoring their centenary cook book.

Elderly man in motorised wheelchair
May 13, 2021

Assistive technology devices for the elderly

We reflect on how technology has made a huge difference to families and their elderly relatives over the last year.

Care solutions for elderly parents
March 30, 2021

How to keep your older parents safe at home

Calculate your parents' risk score and receive personalised care recommendations based on an assessment of their needs.

Sandwich generation carers guide
March 23, 2021

The sandwich generation survival guide

A growing number of working people find themselves in the so called sandwich generation; caring for dependent children and for elderly relatives at the same time.