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How to reduce your alarm monitoring costs

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Night Owl - Supporting your Local Service

Night owl monitoring service

In our conversations with local authorities and housing associations, we often find a fondness for their current Technology Enabled Care (TEC) solution.

It’s often served the community well for many years and is valued by residents and their families.

We appreciate that history and can help sustain and support your service, without damaging its focus and compassionate values. 

Night Owl gives you the ability to deliver your organisations strategic ambitions and support to your community whilst significantly reducing telephony, equipment, maintenance and operating costs.


Night Owl brochure

With Taking Care's Night Owl service, you could cut the costs of running your alarm monitoring service.

Use our online calculator to estimate how much your organisation could save with Night Owl and download our free Night Owl Monitoring Service brochure.

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Taking Care’s operating philosophy of Think National, Deliver Local enables service design and organisation commissioners a level of choice when considering sustainability of services.

Diagram showing Night Owl service

Our service is your service

Taking Care, backed by AXA Health, continually invests in its people and its system architecture to provide the highest standards of operation and resilience on a choice of industry leading Alarm Receiving Centre software. With confidence we are able to provide our service as your service. 

By choosing to use Night Owl, your staff can securely remote access your customer records to call handle, manage records and deliver customer facing services.

Download the case study PDF


Overnight, weekends, out of office hours

Night Owl enables flexibility to call handle at a time to suit your organisation. Taking Care can answer your technology enabled care calls overnight and at weekends. Ensuring the highest level of quality we will action all calls appropriately as a continuum of your own service.

For your customer, Night Owl feels just like their local TEC service. For you, there’s no maintenance cost, and no investment in monitoring or disaster recovery. It is a secure and reliable way of managing your operating costs.

All our staff are DBS-checked and trained on the latest essentials. These include GDPR, health and safety and cyber security awareness. We can guarantee their expertise, saving you time and money in training your team and keeping their skills current. Note that our equipment is already digitally-ready and can deal with your users’ calls to an agreed protocol.


Benefits of Night Owl

  • Secure and reliable
  • Use of Taking Care's national service as your local service
  • No monitoring centre investment
  • Making migration to digital easy
  • No maintenance costs
  • No disaster recovery investment
  • Reduced operating costs

Download the case study PDF


When to use Night Owl

  • For overflow in busy periods, when it’s hard to arrange cover. Your customers will never miss a call for help as our qualified staff are there 24/7.
  • Support during staff absence. For times when your monitoring centre is unexpectedly under pressure – for example, if there’s a flu bug going around the team.
  • For dealing with disaster recovery. If you have a power outage or a technical headache, you can switch over to our team.

Night Owl brochure

With Taking Care's Night Owl service, you could cut the costs of running your alarm monitoring service.

Use our online calculator to estimate how much your organisation could save with Night Owl and download our free Night Owl Monitoring Service brochure.

Calculate your savings

Supporting our partners with TEC

TEC partners