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Personal alarms for safety and independence
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Positive Outcomes
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Local Service
Medical Expertise
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Your trusted TEC partner

TEC for local authority

Taking Care has been providing personal alarm services for more than 30 years. We've supported over ¼ million people and their families with personal alarms.
. In addition to our private-pay business, we're trusted partners with housing associations, local authorities, Home Instead and Age Co.

We're part of AXA Health and backed by the AXA Group, so you can rely on us.

TEC is what we do. We provide remote care for elderly and vulnerable people, allowing them to remain in their own homes.


 TEC partners

Trusted by the public sector

Many local authorities already entrust their TEC to us, following the transfer of Chichester District Council’s service to us in 2019. We now support 21,000 local authority alarm users across eight district councils in Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire. In addition, we also support a number of housing associations across the country.


Which approved

Approved by Which? and Age Co

We are the first Which? Trusted Trader Approved telecare provider in the UK and committed to the Which? code of conduct. Age Co is the name for Age UK products and services that help older people continue to live independently. We are proud to support Age UK through the sale of Age Co approved personal alarms.


Local authorities telecare

Our approach

Our approach is consultative, and we partner closely with you to deliver the outcomes you are looking for. We are well-placed to look after the needs of the whole community because we already have an extensive private-pay business. 


A shared ethos

A shared ethos is one of the reasons that local authorities and housing associations like partnering with us. The life-saving nature of our service gives us a strong focus. Everyone in our business plays their part in delivering personalised contact, high levels of empathy, efficiency and 24/7 resilience.


Compliant and accredited

We're an accredited member of the Telecare Services Association (TSA) and audited to their TEC Quality Standards Framework.

Your residents’ privacy and security are managed in line with GDPR and Data Protection legislation, with mandatory staff training. Our staff are DBS checked and receive ongoing training in safeguarding and dementia. All our processes are audited by the TSA and ISO 9001 inspections.


Prepared for the unexpected

Our three UK-based monitoring centres operate 24/7 and operate Jontek Answerlink and Tunstall PNC8. Each site has its own business continuity plan, overseen by our quality department. We're prepared for the unexpected, including floods, power cuts, staff absences and national disasters.


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