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Personal alarms for safety and independence
1 Star
Positive Outcomes
Sustaining a
Local Service
Medical Expertise
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How to reduce your alarm monitoring costs

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24/7 monitoring

Our three 24/7 Emergency Resolution Centres are at the heart of our organisation.

These digitally enabled, UK-based GDPR compliant centres give us confidence in our resilience, safety and ability to ensure we always offer an excellent service to organisations and individuals.

Our Emergency Resolution Centres are underpinned by ISO9001 standards and Telecare Service Association accreditation - all that you would expect from a lifesaving service.


Core call services

Taking Care are there for the individual as a voice of calm, knowledgeable, empathetic support in times of emergency or crisis.

The skills of our operators, who are all DBS checked and highly trained, means that a minimum of calls are transferred to the emergency services. Following established call pathways, operators will contact family, carers, responder services or give information and advice. Therefore, they reduce pressures on local services and other organisations.


How we can help you get the most out of TEC

We can offer your organisation the use of our excellent Emergency Resolution Centres' equipment and services to allow you to cope with decreasing budgets and increasing demand.

Our services can be utilised by other organisations either full time 24/7, 365 days per year, or for overnight, weekend or Bank Holiday cover.

Using your choice of one of our three equipment agnostic, UK-based Emergency Resolution Centres, you can keep your own service provision safe, secure and viable.

  • 1.7m emergency response calls per year
  • 3,000+ calls per day
  • 35 years’ experience of TEC
  • 250 dedicated employees
  • Over 75,000 customers across UK
  • 97.5% alarm calls answered in less than 60 seconds
  • 100% alarm calls answered in less than 180 seconds

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Supporting our partners with TEC

TEC care