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Personal alarms for safety and independence
1 Star
Positive Outcomes
Sustaining a
Local Service
Medical Expertise
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An AXA Company
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How to reduce your alarm monitoring costs

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Our products and services

Telecare for local authority

Taking Care provide 24/7 Technology Enabled Care services to enable people to live independently in their own homes.

At the heart of our organisation is our Emergency Resolution Centres. We are the humanity at the end of the line which distinguishes us from the tech-only monitoring devices.

At a time of potential confusion and distress, we commit to providing a human-to-human interaction that will resolve the situation with empathy, dignity and insight, overseen by appropriately robust governance and health support mechanisms.

Through the effective use of the core alarm monitoring and technology, allied with a range of in-home and out-of-home sensors and peripherals, individuals can retain their dignity and remain in their own home for longer than those who do not engage with our services. 


Working for you and with you

We already work with a wide range of customers and have built up 35 years of capability and experience. Our industry knowledge and established service provisions delivered by more than 250 dedicated employees, enables us to confidently deal with the challenges faced in making TEC work for an organisation. Our foundations enable us to work with you to tailor provision to and for national and local priorities.


Our products and services

24/7 monitoring

Our three Emergency Resolution Centres can help you cope with decreasing budgets and increasing demand for telecare monitoring.


Night Owl monitoring service

Our Night Owl service can help you manage your alarm monitoring costs. We can run your TEC monitoring service when it is difficult for you to manage, for example at night, weekends, bank holidays or when you're dealing with unexpected events


Medical, medication and wellbeing services***

As part of AXA Health, we can provide healthcare expertise that other TEC providers cannot.


Private pay

We are the market leaders in the provision of Technology Enabled Care to individuals who pay for products and services themselves. Our Which? approved service is testament to that.  Find out more.


Digital migration

The telecare industry is set to shift from tried and trusted technology that connects to a traditional analogue telephone line, which is the carrier of the alarm data and the voice communication, to digital. The digital migration is at the forefront of our plans and we’re here to guide you through a seamless transition to realise the potential of digital connectivity with minimum disruption.


Mobile response

Our mobile response team can help when someone has fallen and needs assistance. This reduces the need for the emergency services and means fewer hospital visits. It leads to better outcomes for your residents and less demand on local services. 


Installation and assessment services

Fully trained installers have the appropriate skills to ensure equipment is installed safely and conveniently.



We will focus on innovation which meets the users’ desired outcomes and will not develop new technology and services in isolation. We can provide a range of Technology Enabled Care equipment and services. By providing home-based monitoring technologies we have insight into individuals daily living activities allowing us to see changes in behaviours and therefore a potential to pre-empt an emergency or crisis.   


If you represent a Local Authority and wish to work with us or use any of our products and services please email

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