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Local Service
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Mobile response for Local Authorities

Mobile responders for elderly

When help is needed most, we can be there.

Speed of response in an emergency is always important but in the case of falls it can be critical to a person’s chance of a full and quick recovery.  It is proven that in the case of a fall or similar incident a person’s health may rapidly deteriorate if they are left unaided for a significant length of time.


Mobile response services for Local Authorities

Through our professional partnerships with recognised providers of on-site healthcare assistance, we are able to offer a range of mobile response services which can be scoped to meet your specific requirements.

When our Emergency Resolution Centre determine that urgent medical attention is not needed our commissioned mobile response service will ensure that a qualified professional is on-site within the shortest possible time, and able to undertake a dynamic assessment. In the case of a fall, clinical observations are checked before moving the person off the floor and then again when they are moved using approved fall lifting equipment.  

Our mobile response team are also able to provide non-clinical assistance which might include helping someone up from the floor, back to their bed or chair, taking them to the bathroom, undertaking personal care, making them food or drinks if required, and generally ensuring they are comfortable, and of course most importantly, confirming they really do have no injuries.


A response you can trust

An enhanced DBS check and Safeguarding Level 2 training is mandatory for all members of mobile response who are in contact with the public on a regular basis as part of their role.

We’re part of AXA Health, one of the AXA Group of companies. This backing gives us unique benefits that we share with our partners. They include access to health and technology insights on customer needs, and IT security and resilience support that’s out of reach for many.

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Consortium Procurement Approved Supply Partner

Local authority consortium procurement