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The benefits of a partnership with AXA

We’re part of AXA Health, one of the AXA Group of companies and this backing gives us unique benefits that we share with our partners. 

AXA Research Fund


Our Research and Insight Team conduct world-leading studies into emerging healthcare needs to inform our customer education and the development of our propositions and response services.

We share this insight with our partners to enable you to shape your wellbeing and social support strategy, enabling you to continue to deliver a service that is not only relevant but has the necessary foundations to meet future demands.

The AXA Research Fund is our initiative dedicated to boosting scientific discoveries that contribute to societal progress. It comes from the strong belief that science plays a critical role in empowering people to face today’s challenges and forge themselves a better life.

So far the Fund has committed €179 million, supporting 531 research projects, carried out by leading researchers of 55 nationalities and hosted in 34 countries. We are committed to building our business model on an informed and evidenced basis, therefore developing and delivering services that  inspire our customers to make decisions to lead healthier and happier lives. 


Emerging Technology and Innovation

We are at the forefront of technology and service innovation, contributing financially to a wide variety of professional institutions and organisations concerned with developing the very latest technology to aid with healthcare and wellbeing.

AXA Health Tech and You

Our AXA Health Tech & You programme discovers, promotes and supports the inventors and innovations in the exciting field of health tech. The pioneers we help often have personal reasons to solve problems we all face – perhaps a desire to get fitter or a family member with a condition. They create the products and technologies that help people manage their health and wellbeing in the best way for them.



As a subsidiary of AXA Health we have the necessary financial backing, resources and expertise to not only sustain an exceptional level of service, but to also invest in IT security, business resilience and innovation.  This gives our partners the confidence to enter long-term relationships with us, secure in the knowledge that we will always be at the forefront of healthcare and wellbeing service delivery, and thus will support them in meeting their strategic goals.

AXA’s ambition is to become a trusted partner that enables people to live life well and to the full – whatever their age.

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