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ISO 9001 Accredited
Three Emergency
Resolution Centres
Supporting Health
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An AXA Company

Which? Approved TEC for healthcare

Reassurance for patients that they will receive the best quality care

Technology Enabled Care (TEC) can play a vital role in helping patients retain their independence or recover from a hospital stay. It's important for patients to feel confident of their TEC service and the Which? endorsement helps to provide reassurance and peace of mind.

That's why our Which? Approved Service status is so highly valued by healthcare professionals. You can refer your patients knowing that they will receive the best possible service from the UK's first Which? approved TEC provider. 


Which Trusted Trader approved

About Which? Consumer's Association

Which? have over 1.5 million members and supporters, making them the largest independent consumer body in the UK. They have been working on behalf of consumers since 1957 and are recognised as championing the cause of consumers.

The assessment process is a thorough investigation:

  • Our products, services and processes were tested and investigated by the experienced trading standards professionals at Which?
  • The trading standards professionals visited our offices and our three UK based Emergency Resolution Centres.
  • They conducted interviews with our staff, reviewed our procedures and looked at how business activities were conducted.

We are committed to the Which? code of conduct and are regularly assessed to ensure we continue to meet the high standards of the Which? Consumer Association. 

Learn more about the Which? Consumer Association.


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