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Personal alarms for safety and independence
1 Star
Positive Outcomes
Sustaining a
Local Service
Medical Expertise
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Telecare standards for local authorities

Telecare accreditation

We understand the importance of standards and compliance to local authorities. Our accreditations and local authority experience demonstrates our commitment to delivering the best possible service.

In 2019, we integrated Chichester Careline from Chichester District Council. We migrated 28,000 customers, dozens of novated contracts and the transfer of nearly fifty staff.

We are certified to the ISO 9001:2015 standard and also attested to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS). We are a member of the Telecare Services Association (TSA) and hold a current valid Cyber Security Essentials certificate.


How we perform

  • Largest private provider of dispersed alarms in the UK
  • 1.7m emergency response calls per year
  • 3000 + calls per day
  • 35 years’ experience of technology-enabled care
  • 250 dedicated employees
  • 75k + customers across UK
  • More than 97.5% calls answered in less than 60 seconds
  • 100% of calls answered in less than 180 seconds


Telecare Services Association

We are a fully accredited member of the Telecare Services Association and unlike many other telecare providers, we go beyond the TSA's requirements with three UK-based alarm monitoring centres and ISO 9001 accreditation. 

As part of our TSA membership, we undergo a stringent annual audit of our processes and services. We are also audited to the TSA's new TEC Quality Standards Framework.


Approved Supply Partner of Consortium Procurement

Consortium Procurement provide public sector bodies with a compliant and trusted procurement route. As an approved supply partner, you can be confident that we are fully compliant, fair and transparent. 


ISO 9001 QMS

Achieving ISO 9001 certification means that our procedures and systems meet the Quality Management System requirements. ISO 9001 contributes towards a culture of continual improvement and covers our monitoring centres, staff, training, services and equipment.

Aligning our business with ISO 9001 standards means we deliver better customer satisfaction through best practice methodology. 


    Business continuity and disaster recovery

    Our services can be life-saving for vulnerable residents. We never forget this and plan for the worst so we can deal with crisis such as power cuts, extreme weather or national emergencies. We have three UK-based alarm monitoring centres and this enables us to keep our services running across locations in the event of a disaster. 

    Each site has its own business continuity plan, overseen by our quality department. The plans are regularly tested and audited, as demonstrated by the ISO 9001 certified Quality Management system.


    'Dementia Friends' training

    We are committed to being a ‘Dementia-Friendly’ organisation and work with the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance to ensure we have Dementia Champions throughout the organisation.

    We are keen to embed dementia awareness sessions into our culture and provide coaching support from the Advanced Safeguarding Team and run an Alzheimer's Society Dementia Friends training programme.


    Policies and standards

    All our processes are audited by the TSA and ISO 9001 inspections. Being part of AXA Health shows that we are a trusted and reputable personal alarm service provider. Our data security, privacy and governance policies adhere to AXA's high standards and our key company policies are available online.


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