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Resources and Advice

Helping you and your loved ones live well in later life

Finances and legal

Managing your finances as you get older, thinking about the cost of elderly care, or even planning later life. Explore our guides and advice to help you or your loved one take care of it.

Spotlight on Carers report

Our "Spotlight on Carers" report looks at the issues that millions of unpaid carers face, including those who feel trapped caring for elderly parents in the UK. One in two adults feel that they will have no choice but to care for their elderly parents when they become too frail, and many raised concerns about access to care options in their area.

The report explores attitudes towards caring for elderly parents and the barriers that adults in the sandwich generation face to accessing care support for their frail relatives.

Benefits and entitlements

As they age, older adults in the UK can access a range of benefits designed to support them in their later years. Discover information about forms of support and entitlements that can contribute to a more satisfying retirement.

More on benefits and entitlements

Planning later life

Explore our articles about planning for the future which involves making informed decisions about health, finances, and living arrangements to maintain independence and ensure peace of mind.

More on planning later life

Care costs

Find valuable resources and practical advice on providing elderly care, including insights on arranging support and understanding care costs.

More on care costs

How we can help

The features available with panic buttons for the elderly can vary, so it's important to find the right kind of personal alarm service for your needs, whether it's for yourself or a loved one.

Personal alarms for the home and out-and-about

Have the freedom to maintain an active lifestyle, with reassurance help is available wherever you are.

An Out-and-About Personal Alarm will also work in your home so you can get help from Taking Care's Emergency Resolution Team any time of the day or night.

Compare out-and-about alarms

Not sure which personal alarm to choose?

Call 0800 085 7371, Monday – Friday, 8am - 6pm and Saturday, 9am – 5pm, to speak with a Taking Care Sales Advisor.

Elderly care experts answer biggest questions about finances

Discover essential finance and legal advice for the elderly through frequently asked questions, addressing concerns about financial scams, legal rights of the elderly and safeguarding their financial future.

What is the legal definition of elderly in the UK?

In the UK, there is no legal definition for the term "elderly". However, it is generally used to describe people who are advanced in age and are typically considered to be over 65 years old.

What are the five most crucial rights for the elderly?

There are five essential rights that are crucial for the elderly - the Right to Dignity and Respect, the Right to Access Healthcare, the Right to Independence and Autonomy, the Right to Social Participation and Inclusion, and the Right to Financial Security and Protection.

How can I protect the elderly against financial scams?

It is important to safeguard the elderly from financial scams by sharing knowledge of common scams, opting for direct debit, avoiding sharing personal information, and using caller ID and spam filters.

Keep a close eye on financial transactions and stay updated with the latest information. If you or your loved one uses the internet, install and keep up-to-date security software such as anti-virus and firewall. Promptly report scams to the bank and police.