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Personal alarms for safety and independence
1 Star
Positive Outcomes
Sustaining a
Local Service
Medical Expertise
AXA Health icon.
An AXA Company
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How to reduce your alarm monitoring costs

Calculate how much your organisation could save with our Night Owl service.

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Working with us

As a collaborative partner, we will work with you to ensure Technology Enabled Care (TEC) secures positive outcomes for people, supporting them to live healthy and independent lives whilst reducing the demand on supported services.

Our shared ethos is one of the reasons that partners choose to work with us. The nature of our service (provided when customers are most vulnerable) gives us a strong focus. Everyone in our business plays their part in delivering personalised contact, high levels of empathy and 24/7 resilience.

Supporting the vulnerable and elderly

Working with us doesn't mean waving goodbye to your values.

We're already trusted to support 21,000 local authority customers across 10 district councils.

We're part of AXA Health and work with housing provider Stonewater and homecare provider Home Instead.

Personal alarm stories: Supporting people with Alzheimer's and Dementia

Personal alarm stories: Maintaining independence

Personal alarm stories: Supporting Tricia and Multiple Sclerosis