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Digital migration

Digital migration of telecare

Digital migration, or ‘what do we need to do about our alarms?’ is a question that some service providers put aside to be dealt with later.  Well, later is here….

If you, as a local authority or housing association, have not started to look at the compatibility of your alarm systems, you may be interested in the following information.

  • The telecare industry is set to shift from tried and trusted technology that connects to a traditional analogue telephone line, which is the carrier of the alarm data and the voice communication, to digital.
  • It is estimated that over the next few years, possibly as soon as 2023, analogue telephony services will be switched off as the UK’s telecommunications infrastructure is upgraded to digital connectivity.
  • Most of the alarm equipment out there is of the older, analogue type and it is this equipment that will be affected by the change to a digital network.

We have both Jontek and Tunstall PNC alarm receiving platforms and our sites can accept both IP alarm units and traditional analogue equipment.  We have been working with network providers and alarm system manufacturers to ensure that we are well placed to adapt to the digital landscape as it evolves.

Currently the network providers supply an Analogue Telephone Adapter (ATA) to enable existing telephones and alarm units to still be used. This is seen as a temporary ‘fix’ and in time the alarm providers will be expected to upgrade the alarm for a digital or IP unit.


From analogue to digital: what changes in the home

Digital migration of telecare

In February 2019, we visited BT’s Digital Services Laboratory at their R&D Centre to test a range of different manufactured alarm units, using a variety of alarm protocols which connected to both our Tunstall and Jontek centres.  We were pleased with the results, which were positive, and our findings fed into BT’s database of compatible equipment.

The introduction of the new network started in 2018 and to date there is still no published plan for where and when the switchover will take place.  Each network provider, such as BT or Virgin, will inform their users when the change will take place in their area, nearer the time.

The digital migration is at the forefront of our plans and we’re here to guide you through a seamless transition to realise the potential of digital connectivity with minimum disruption.

Are you ready? We are, and we can help you overcome the challenges and manage the risks. Leaving this decision until the last possible moment is not advisable!  

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