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Resources and Advice

Helping you and your loved ones live well in later life

Resources and Advice

As we get older, we should be able to continue doing the things we love and living life the way we want to.

Our articles and guides are available to read online or delivered straight to your email inbox.

Recent articles

Winter weather
October 11, 2022

Winter blues and depression in the elderly

How to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder and the winter blues.

Elderly person in autumn
October 10, 2022

Autumn safety tips for the elderly

With the autumn comes increased risks and hazards for some older people.

TakingCare Personal Alarm customer Betty
October 4, 2022

Supporting Betty to live life happily and independently

How a Taking Care personal alarm helps Betty to remain active at the age of 93.

Elderly couple in winter
October 4, 2022

Winter deaths report: how does cold weather affect mortality in the UK?

Analysis shows death rates among the elderly increase during colder winter months, with warnings to prioritise keeping homes warm.

Elderly heating bills
September 20, 2022

Tips to help pensioners with energy bills by reducing usage

Saving money on energy bills is important at the moment, especially for pensioners on a fixed income.

Personal alarm base unit plugged in
September 14, 2022

Keep your personal alarm running for 18p per month

If you're worried about the cost of living crisis, it is reassuring to know our alarms use minimal electricity.

Laura at Taking Care
September 8, 2022

Staff Stories - Laura Walton, Customer Services Advisor

Meet Laura, one of our Customer Services Advisors who helps to keep our customer happy and reassured.

Elderly man with sciatica back pain
September 7, 2022

How to sleep with Sciatica and lower back pain

Do you find your sciatica or lower back pain is keeping you up at night? Read our top tips for sleeping comfortably through the night.

New alarm launched
September 1, 2022

We've launched our most resilient personal alarms to address the digital switchover

Find what makes our new alarms the most resilient digital personal alarms available.

Accessible bathroom for elderly and disabled
August 30, 2022

Tips on bathroom design for elderly relatives

We look at how some changes and additions to bathrooms can make a big difference to safer independent living.