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6 tips for enjoying staying safe in the summer weather

Stay safe this summer with these easy to follow suggestions.

July 12, 2021

Seniors enjoying the summer
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The weather in a British summer can never be fully predicted. We could have scorching heat, thunderstorms, droughts, or even hail, all over the course of a few weeks.

But when the sun does come out, it’s good to enjoy the rays as much as possible. Sunshine is a great mood enhancer, and delivers the Vitamin D that our bodies need. And with better weather we can get out and about for walks – great for our overall physical well-being.

There are though a few things to think about to protect our senior family members.


1. Moisturise and protect

Never forget the sun protection cream – at any age. And older skin tends to be drier, so a good layer of moisturiser below the sun cream can mean more effective protection. 


2. Keep hydrated

It’s often the case that older people will try to drink less, especially if their bladders tend to get them up at night! But in hot weather hydration is really important. It doesn’t have to be just pints of water if you find it dull.

What’s important is that it’s a fluid – so juices and squashes work well. There are even specialist jelly sweets now, designed to hydrate those who find drinking fluids difficult.


3. Wear a hat

Nobody wants sunstroke. Thinner hair (or none at all!) does tend to be a feature of our senior years. A hat protects us from the heat of the sun, and works with sun cream to help ward off the threat of skin cancer.

And if you feel you’re burning up – cover up. Have lightweight scarves or jackets to hand to cover any skin that is starting to feel warm or look red.


4. Seek out the shade

You can’t beat a bench under a tree for a sunny summer’s respite. If you’re visiting parks and other open spaces, or maybe having a day out at a heritage property, take note as you wander as to where you can sit in the shade.

Or if you’re heading for the beach or anywhere else where shade might be at a premium, go prepared with deckchairs and sun umbrellas. And if it’s really warm, follow the lead of those who live in hot climates, and seek out cool restaurants or somewhere to take a rest in the heat of the day.


5. Stay safe in the garden

When the weather’s fine it’s good for older people to enjoy the sun at home as well as out and about. But if they spend much time alone they may worry about tripping on uneven paths or unnoticed hazards.

You can help by taking a regular look at the layout and condition of the garden, and removing or repairing any potential problem areas. You can also organise an alarm for an older member of the family or friend that they can use to call for help if they do fall and can’t get up.

The award-winning range of personal alarms from Taking Care enables the owner to alert a 24/7 careline if they have a problem, simply with the touch of a button. There’s even an option of a GPS alarm for added security when out and about.


6. Keep sunburn remedies to hand

However careful we are, there always seem to be bits we’ve missed with the sun cream. Something soothing in the medicine cabinet in case we discover we’ve burned is a good way to turn down the pain and reduce skin damage. There are many proprietary products available from pharmacies that work alongside sun creams, and a range of more ‘natural’ remedies that seem to work well.

Just a little forward planning, and our prized sunny days can be a trouble-free joy for the whole family.

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