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Staff Stories - John, Emergency Resolution Operator

Meet John, one of our Emergency Resolution operators who answers alarm calls and supports our customers when they need us most.

August 11, 2023

John - emergency resolution operator

John has been part of the Emergency Resolution Team for over a year.

He loves working with his colleagues and assisting customers when they need help. Outside of work, John regularly coaches young cricket players and loves playing cricket for his local team. 

We asked John to share what it is like to work at TakingCare.

What's a typical day for you at TakingCare? 

My responsibilities include answering calls from people to see if they are well and safe and whether callers need medical assistance, family support, or the intervention of emergency services such as the need of a fire brigade or a local responder. We get calls from people all across the country, and we are always ready to lend a helping hand to those on the floor. I also ensure that our records are accurate and up-to-date so that we can provide efficient and effective emergency services in times of need.

A day in the Emergency Resolution team is never typical. It varies from day to day – some days it will be quiet, and some days we are manically busy - no two days are the same.

Emergency Resolution Operator 

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable alarm call?

I remember a few, but one call that stands out is when a lady travelled all the way down from London to Sussex in the middle of the night because her nan had fallen on the floor. However, it's the small calls that really stick with you and make a positive impact.

When people call you to thank you for all that you do, it warms up your heart after a 9 hour shift.

Emergency Resolution Operator 


What do you find most challenging about your role?

The most challenging aspect of my job is leaving work during the day, as I work the night shift. I worry that someone on the floor might need medical help, and I won't be there to care for them. I enjoy caring for people, but switching off and not thinking about it can be challenging. My colleagues are great, but sometimes not knowing can be tough.


How is a personal alarm different from a mobile phone?

A personal alarm is better than having a mobile phone – the monitored alarm is attached to you constantly. We have monitored alarms that go with you wherever you are, depending on the model you have. It's safer to have a personal alarm than just a mobile phone because if you're in a situation where you trip and fall, you won't be able to reach your phone. You may be shouting for help, but no one may hear you.

With our personal fall alarm products, you can either press your alarm button, or it can sense your fall, and the alarm call comes through to us. I have had experiences where someone is shouting for help, and we arrange the necessary assistance, address their concerns, and get them back up and running in no time. 

What special training do you receive as part of your role?

My specialised training includes learning to use the company's bespoke computer system and various alarm packages. One package, the smart home monitoring system called Taking Care Sense, includes sensors that detect family members' activity and alert us if their routine changes. We also have a GPS portal that enables us to track the location of customers with GPS alarms in real-time in any part of the country, allowing us to direct the emergency services to them if required. 

How would you describe the Emergency Resolution Team?

The Emergency Resolution Team operates differently than a call centre. In a call centre, people have ranks and desks. Here, we work hand-in-hand with emergency services. It's not just about calling people; it's about building personal relationships with clients. We provide an all-around service that provides peace of mind for them and their families.

How different is TakingCare from other telecare providers?

I have only been in this business for a short time, but I have noticed that we care; we base it around the customer – what they want, whether it's a corporate client or an individual client in their home. Our approach is to ask people what they want and deliver what we can, being upfront and straightforward. I think that's what makes this a great place to work.


Working at TakingCare Personal Alarms

If you would like to find out more about what it's like to work at TakingCare, you can watch our video below or see the latest job vacancies on our Career pages.

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