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Taking Care to provide Chichester Careline telecare service

Taking Care is pleased to announce we are taking over the Chichester Careline telecare service.

January 22, 2019

Chichester Careline telecare
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Taking Care is taking over the Chichester Careline telecare service. The 24-hour service provides support and assistance, allowing people to live independently at home. It is run by Chichester District Council, and ownership will transfer in March.

Read the Chichester Careline announcement

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Every 10 seconds, a loved one in the UK has a fall. Find out your risk score in 2 minutes.

What to read next

October 10, 2022

Supporting the TSA and ADASS in Yorkshire and West Midlands

Taking Care supported the TSA and ADASS at two regional events to promote technology in care.

Adur Council telecare
July 8, 2021

Celebrating our continued partnership with Adur District Council

We're delighted to announce we will be providing Adur District Council's 24/7 alarm monitoring service as we continue our long-standing partnership.

Red Alert team member
October 12, 2020

Taking Care of Bexley residents

Taking Care have formed an innovative partnership with London Borough of Bexley Council and St John Ambulance to provide 24/7 monitoring services along with mobile response to over 2,500 of the borough’s vulnerable and elderly. 

Aster Group connected living
September 28, 2020

Taking Care partner with Connected Living to ensure everyday independence

Taking Care have become a Strategic Partner to Connected Living, part of Aster Living, to provide Technology Enabled Care services.