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Supporting the TSA and ADASS in Yorkshire and West Midlands

Taking Care supported the TSA and ADASS at two regional events to promote technology in care.

October 10, 2022

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The TSA and ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) held two regional events last month on 20th September (Leeds) and 28th September (Birmingham). The events focused on putting people at the heart of care and exploring how technology can truly be integrated into adult social care.

We were delighted to be supporting the work that the TSA and ADASS regions are doing collaboratively to promote the integration of personalised Technology Enabled Care into the care systems of the future.

The Taking Care Business Development team were pleased to join our colleagues and customers to share views and gain insights on the current challenges being faced. Attendees heard practical experiences from Directors and Assistant Directors of adult social care, commissioners, and service providers.

There were sessions on technology enabled living, new models of care, digital challenges and solutions and supporting councils and partners. Key figures in TEC, telecare and adult social care shared insights and guidance including representatives from Bradford Council and Bradford District Community NHS Health Trust, Department of Health and Social Care, Essex County Council, Knowsley Council, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council and Leeds City Council.

Key sessions included:

  • My home, my care, my way (a lived experience) – ASAS Regional Co-production Advisory Group
  • An introduction to Adult Social Care housing reform – DHSC
  • Developing and applying the TAPPI principles
  • The right care, the right place, the right time – How TEC can help people to live their best lives - TSA
  • Digitising Social Care Programme – NHS England
  • A Strategy for Digital - Northeast ADASS and Knowsley Council
  • Navigating through the digital switch over to the greener pastures beyond - Assisted Living Leeds, Leeds City Council

It was great to meet so many councils’ representatives, equipment, and service providers this week at the TSA event in Leeds and what a first day for our newest Business Development Manager Sultan Khan to be introduced to our industry!

Sue O’Connor, Business Development Manager at Taking Care

Full speaker presentations for both days are available on the TSA website.

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