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Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Taking Care (PPP Taking Care Limited) is a wholly owned subsidiary of AXA Health (part of AXA UK Plc). As an organisation, Taking Care is not of sufficient size to be legally required to comply with the requirements of Section 54 of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 which requires commercial organisations to prepare and publish a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year; however, as an ethical and morally responsible organisation that operates in an environment of vulnerable customers, Taking Care has nevertheless developed this Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

As a subsidiary of AXA UK Plc, Taking Care adheres to the AXA Group standards including:

The AXA Group has a long history of adhering to and promoting strong professional ethics and is committed to conducting its business according to the highest standards of honesty and fairness. This commitment to observing such ethical standards is designed not only to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in various jurisdictions where the AXA Group operates but also to earning and keeping the continued trust of its clients, shareholders, personnel and business partners. The AXA Group believes that its success and reputation is not only dependent on the quality of its products and services provided to its clients, but also on the way it does business. This includes a strong commitment to human rights and therefore, it welcomes the transparency promoted by the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Company structure and business
Taking Care (PPP Taking Care Limited) is a subsidiary of AXA Health (part of AXA UK Plc). It employs 250 employees across five locations in the UK (Ashburton, Exeter, Newton Abbot, Chichester and Belfast). It provides a telecare service to 75,000 vulnerable customers across the UK who need assistance to maintain their dignity and independence at home.

Taking Care partners with Age UK and Local Authorities to deliver its products and services as well as managing relationships with direct consumers.

Company supply chain
Taking Care purchases products and services to provide their service to customers. The supply chain comprises of third parties who manufacture and distribute goods and provide systems and services to enable delivery of products and service to customers.

Management of the modern slavery and human trafficking risk in company operations
Taking Care acknowledges its responsibility to respect human rights in its operations and conducts its business in compliance with applicable employment regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates.

Taking Care respects the rights of its employees to enjoy just and favorable conditions of work, including health and safety protections, and is committed to providing adequate information and training on health and safety and wellbeing issues.

Taking Care promotes diversity and inclusion by prohibiting any form of discrimination between current, past or prospective staff in the basis of age, race, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status or disability through its Quality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Assessment of the Company’s largest suppliers and due diligence process in relation to the Company’s supply chains
Taking Care ensures it only works with suppliers who meet the AXA standards with respect to ethics and corporate responsibility through a clearly documented process for supplier selection and contracting.

In accordance with such process, Taking Care’s standard contractual terms with suppliers include specific reference to AXA’s corporate responsibility requirements, and suppliers are required to provide a formal commitment to accept AXA’s “Corporate Responsibility Clause”. Notably, the suppliers agree to refrain from using, or accepting that their own suppliers and sub-contractors make use of, child labour (under 15 years old) or forced labour.

Periodic contract management reviews are completed on a risk-based approach to ensure compliance with the requirements set out in this Policy.

This Policy is produced to support Taking Care's commitment to operating an ethical and corporate responsible organisation. 

Updated September 2019