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Helping you and your loved ones live well in later life


Keep your personal alarm running for 18p per month

If you're worried about the cost of living crisis, it is reassuring to know our alarms use minimal electricity.

September 14, 2022

Personal alarm base unit plugged in
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With the cost-of-living crisis impacting us all, it is reassuring to know that not all electrical devices contribute significantly to higher energy bills.

If you are worried about energy costs and are considering unplugging household electrical items to save money, then do not be concerned about the running cost of a personal alarm.

We’ve calculated that the average cost of keeping an alarm unit plugged in for a year based on average cost of electricity per kWh in the UK in September 2024 is just £2.14 – a monthly cost of only 18 pence.

We hope these calculations will provide some reassurance to our customers.


The cost of running a personal alarm

When compared to the costs of other household electrical items, the running cost of a life-saving piece of technology like a personal alarm is minimal:

  • Electric heater – 9.33p per hour
  • Plasma TV – 1.3p per hour
  • Electric kettle – 11.8p per hour

Shaun Slaney, Technical Manager at Taking Care, said “While we understand many people will be taking steps to reduce energy consumption in the home to keep costs down, it is vital they do not forfeit their personal alarm units. “

Wearable devices such as alarm pendants can be a vital lifeline for older adults, connecting them to help in case of emergency and ensuring their general wellbeing. Not having access to this support could place them even more at risk, especially during the colder winter months when falls are increasingly likely.
Shaun Slaney, Technical Manager


Home sensors to detect low temperature

With cold weather inevitable as winter approaches, some people will be at risk of fuel poverty. They may switch their heating off in colder months to save money, with older adults at most risk of affecting their health as a consequence.

Our home monitoring devices can provide reassurance that conditions in the home are not a cause for concern. Taking Care Sense detects temperature extremes and will flag to family members if the use of heating is being reduced.

Taking Care Sense is available as an add-on to an existing personal alarm package or as a standalone solution.

With the cost of living rising, older people at risk of fuel poverty may switch their heating off in colder months to save money, putting themselves in danger. This device senses temperature extremes so it can flag to family members if the use of heating is being reduced.
Lauren Frake, Customer Services Manager


How Taking Care Sense works


  • Taking Care Sense is a small sensor that you place in the kitchen. It discreetly monitors and learns patterns of activity in the home.
  • Taking Care Sense is self-powered with a 3-year battery life, so there are no additional energy running costs.
  • In the event of an unexpected occurrence, or something outside the norm, we are alerted automatically.
  • This prompts our Resolution Team to make a wellbeing call. If there is no response or further help is needed, we will call you or another nominated emergency contact. 

Home monitoring systems

Taking Care Sense is a home monitoring system for the elderly that does not require you to wear a pendant. Find out more about our home monitoring solutions.

Smart home monitoring systems

Get your Falls Risk Score

Every 10 seconds, a loved one in the UK has a fall. Find out your risk score in 2 minutes.

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