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Taking Care at Dementia 2020 - Roadmap to Delivery

Taking Care are delighted to be hosting a workshop at the Dementia 2020 event, entitled ‘How technology can support earlier diagnosis of dementia and the management of those living with dementia’.

March 25, 2019

Dementia 2020 Roadmap to Delivery
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The ‘Dementia 2020 – Roadmap to Delivery’ event reviews the progress made towards the Prime Minister’s ‘Challenge on Dementia 2020’, which set out to deliver world class dementia care, research and awareness.

Taking Care are delighted to be hosting a workshop at the Dementia 2020 event, entitled ‘How technology can support earlier diagnosis of dementia and the management of those living with dementia’.Taking Care’s Naomi Snell will be joined by Dr Sina Habibi, CEO of Cognetivity Neurosciences, and Dr Elin Haf Davies, founder of Aparito. The workshop will provide an opportunity to hear how technology is currently supporting diagnosis and management of dementia, what is in development and what might be available in the not too distant future.


About the dementia technology workshop

Technology is rapidly changing our world and how we live. Advances in technology, including developments in AI, are also allowing us to identify changes in health, and in particular cognitive function, that can indicate the early onset of dementia. And for those living with dementia, technology can often provide an opportunity to remain safe and independent at home.

The workshop will be chaired by Naomi Snell, Dr Sina Habibi and Dr Elin Haf Davies.

Naomi Snell, Head of Partnerships at Taking Care, has over 24 years’ experience working in healthcare, the public sector, long-term care, financial services and latterly the telecare sector.

In recent years, Naomi has worked with central and local government, helping them to introduce clear pathways for self-funders of social care and developed an employer funded health and wellbeing benefit to support employees balancing working and caring responsibilities.

Dr Sina Habibi is CEO and co-founder at Cognetivity Neurosciences, a company providing pre-clinical detection and remote monitoring of dementia using artificial intelligence and the latest neuroscience. With a PhD in Engineering from Cambridge University, Sina has in-depth experience in research involving nano-technology and synthetic biology, product management, and technology consultancy.

Dr Elin Haf Davies has clinical, academic and regulatory experience of drug development at Great Ormond Street Hospital, University College London and the European Medicine Agency and is the founder of Aparito. 


Dementia 2020 Partners and Exhibitors

Taking Care will be joined at the Dementia 2020 event by experts in dementia, health and technology, including Alzheimer’s Society, Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England.

Attendees will hear from dementia experts and specialists including Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive of the Alzheimer's Society, Alison Murray, Head of Inspection & Dementia Lead at the Care Quality Commission, and Dr Martin Vernon, National Clinical Director for Older People at NHS England.

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