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Taking Care share Digital Schemes ‘Health’ Guide at Housing 2023 in Manchester, 27th - 28th June 2023

Visit us at our stand TE2 at Housing 2023 in Manchester. Managing Director Steve Gates will be part of the TSA panel exploring ‘A safe and quality transition to digital’ on Wednesday 28th June,14:30 – 15:30.

June 26, 2023

Housing 2023 in Manchester 27-28 June
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The digital switchover has already begun, but what does it mean for social landlords and supported living providers?

Transitioning from analogue to digital (A2D) telecare schemes can be a significant undertaking for social and supported living providers. It can particularly impact those responsible for sheltered or supported housing, where hard-wired, warden intercom or dispersed personal alarm units will be much harder to support by 2027.

But despite the challenges, A2D offers numerous benefits, such as improved efficiency, enhanced service delivery, and increased resident (and employee) satisfaction.

At Taking Care, we believe the A2D switchover is an opportunity to re-imagine your service offering, improve efficiencies, and discover fresher and better ways of ensuring the best care for your residents, while embracing the advantages of digital technology. We are leading the way in integrating various systems to ensure flexibility and customer choice.

Collect your copy of our Digital Schemes ‘Health’ Guide from our stand at Housing 2023

Wherever you are on your digital transition journey we can help. We’ve published our top 7 tips to a pain free transition from A2D to help social housing providers.

Visit our stand to pick up your copy of our Digital Schemes ‘Health’ Guide and speak to our team to discover how Taking Care are working collaboratively to support social and supported living providers in their digital transition journey.

Download your copy here

“It’s very clear that Taking Care are a forward-thinking company which, with the forthcoming digital switch is so important for us. The ethos that runs through Taking Care is one of adaptability and being open to change. Nothing is too much trouble, and everyone is very open and honest.”

Kerry Appleton, Operations and Contract Lead, Aster Group UK

A safe and quality transition to digital – panel discussion – 14.30 – 15.30, 28th June 2023

Join Steve Gates, Managing Director of Taking Care, on Wednesday 28th June who will be exploring our insights in ‘A safe and quality transition to digital’ panel discussion with TSA and Housing LIN.

Steve will be joined by TSA speakers Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, Steve Sadler, Technology Strategist and Tim Mulrey in the TSA TEC Theatre – 14:30 – 15:30.

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What to read next

Case study – Empowering independent living and helping keep residents safe with The Hyde Group
June 28, 2023

Case study – Empowering independent living and helping keep residents safe with The Hyde Group

How we have successfully partnered with The Hyde Group to provide a single, highly responsive 24-hour monitoring service and strategic and expert technical support for their analogue to digital journey.

East Devon telecare case study
July 11, 2022

Case study: How Night Owl supports East Devon’s local 24/7 monitoring service

How our Night Owl service supports East Devon Council's 24/7 alarm monitoring.

Digital telecare equipment
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How Taking Care are preparing for the digital switchover

With the digital switchover drawing ever closer, we're helping customers navigate the change and ensure they continue to provide an uninterrupted service.

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Taking Care has teamed up with Anthropos to provide Taking Care Safe Home Alert, a 24/7 monitored smart home sensor package to support the elderly remain safe and independent at home.